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You Imagine. We create

Care and Maintenance

Use Good Quality Cleaning Agent to remove stains

Wipe spills immediately to prolong the life of your Laminates

Regular dusting can help protect your decorative surfaces and keep them looking new for longer

Do not saturate your laminates with liquids, in order to ensure their longevity

Avoid direct prolonged exposure to Sunlight as UV rays are harmful for Laminates

Using abrasive scrubbers can cause scratches on your laminate surfaces, which may ultimately ruin your designs

Selecting themes and creative laminate designs for your spaces may seem like an effortless task, but creating a well-designed and cherished space requires careful planning and attention to detail. Once you have crafted your perfect sanctuary, it's important to maintain it with care.

Your space is a reflection of your personality and style, and every element should be treated with equal care and consideration - including your decorative laminate surfaces. After all, the surface matters.

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your laminate surfaces, we have compiled a list of tips and DIYs that will help you maintain and care for them. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy your stunning and stylish space for years to come

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